supporting adults
with disabilities
since 1976.
(In other words, we got you).
A Life Styles client since 2019, Les is near traditional “retirement age” but found himself eager to rejoin the working world about a year ago, at which time we connected him with the pros in our Supported Employment department.
One of Les’s job opportunities was with the Life Styles Shredding Company. Les took a tour of the facility—and immediately asked when he could start working! His enthusiasm, coupled with his performance at a formal job interview, sealed the deal: Les began working at the Shredding Company in October 2022.
For his part, Les is thrilled with pretty much everything about his job. "I love it all!," he says. "I like my co-workers, I like being able to make money—it puts me in a good mood. It gives me something to do and," he jokes, "it keeps me out of trouble. I just really like it."
Achieving potential
through independence
Achieving potential
through enrichment
Achieving potential
through employment

Making a difference in the lives of others,
and in the soul of our community.
This place is a great blessing to me. I love being at Life Styles. I also love making new friends and doing art and learning things.
- Allison, client
The staff at Life Styles treat my brother with respect, while teaching him skills and giving him the support that helps him lead an independent and full life.
- Katrina, sister of client
One of the most amazing organizations I have ever seen. It has been nothing but the most beautiful experience for my daughter.